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Kundali Matching for Marriage

V A S T U PRINCIPLES for Directions and Corners


Specifications – Should be low level, well-lit, open, airy, specious, light structured with low compound wall.

Beneficial construction and activities – Main gate, windows, ventilators, verandah, pooja and study room, drawing room, water base.

Head while sleeping, face while worshiping, studying, cooking, eating or selling.


Specifications – Should be of high level, less spacious, heavy structured with high compound wall compared to East.

Beneficial construction and activities – Bedroom, retiring room, dining room, store room, guest room, mirror.

Heavy machineries, almirahs, wardrobes, sofa set, washing machine, grinder, fridge, all unwanted materials.

Feet while sleeping.

N O R T H Direction –

Specifications – Should be of low level, more spacious, well-lit, airy, light structured compared to South.

Beneficial construction and activities – Main gate, balcony, ventilators, study and pooja room, reception, guest room, drawing room, Dining table, water base.

Feet while sleeping.

Favourable for starting new activity.

S O U T H Direction –

Specifications – Should be or high level, less open, less spacious, heavy structured with high compound wall compare to North.

Beneficial construction and activities – Bed room, dining room, store room.

Heavy Machineries, wardrobe, sofa-set,washing machine, fridge, unwanted materials.

Face while performing rituals to ancestors, head while sleeping.

N O R T H – E A S T Direction

Specifications – Should be of low level, more spacious, more open, well-lit and airy, light structured with low compound wall compared to South-west.

Beneficial construction and activities – Main gate, verandah, ventilators, Pooja and study room, reception or drawing room. Childrens’ or unmarried daughter’s bedroom.

Water tank, drainage.

Face while studying, worshipping, eating.

N O R T H – W E S T Direction

Specifications – Should be of high level , less spacious, heavy structured and high compound wall.

Beneficial construction and activities – Bedroom of unmarried daughter or eldest son, guest room, garage, overhead tank, kitchen, fridge, finished goods, cooking range.

S O U T H – E A S T Direction

Specifications – Should be of high level, less spacious, less vacant, well-lit somewhat closed with high compound wall.

Beneficial construction and activities – Kitchen, bedroom of unmarried daughter, generator room.

Geyser, transformer, furnace, electrical fittings.

S O U T H – W E S T Direction

Specifications – Should be of high level, less spacious, less vacant, heavy structured almost closed with high compound wall.

Beneficial construction and activities – Garage, bedroom, store room, staircase, water tank.

Heavy machineries, almirahs, wardrobe, sofa set, grinder, washing machine, fridge.